
Trending News: Lethal Twisters Hit The U.S. South

At least 7 people were killed, and lots hurt due to severe weather in southern Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana. On Wednesday and early Thursday, serious thunderstorms, flooding and tornadoes were reported in the region.

Trending News: American Express Profit Plunge 76%

The pandemic has hammered the global economy, pushing companies to layoff staff members by the millions. That, in turn, could also weigh on charge card providers like American Express, and other credit card companies, as more individuals default on their payments.

Trending News: China Knew About Coronavirus Early

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated on Thursday (Apr 23) that China may have understood of the new coronavirus as early as November 2019, restoring allegations that Beijing has not been transparent.

Trending News: U.S. Will Shoot Down Iranian Gunboats

U.S. Navy ships will shoot Iranian gunboats that get too close \"out of the water,\" President Donald Trump stated on Wednesday (Apr 22). The statement was made after 11 vessels from Iran\'s elite fighting force came precariously near to American ships in the Gulf.

Trending News: Euro Zone Economy Set For Depression

The euro zone economy is currently in its deepest recession on record, according to a Reuters poll of economists, who have stayed with a bleak outlook and fret the decline might be even worse as coronavirus lockdowns throughout the area take their toll.

Trending News: Italy Sees Decrease in Active Covid-19 Cases

Italy reported its 2nd succeeding drop on Tuesday (Apr 21) in the number of current coronavirus cases as it neared an important choice on whether to extend its national lockdown.